~ Frankie Firme and The 2nd Time Around Show ~ Bringing it back, and keeping it alive, like nobody else can!
Pues Orale!! Welcome to the 2nd Time Around website, home of Frankie Firme, the "Al Capone of the microphone, the Hitman of West Coast Chicano Soul, and the Voice of Aztlan", bringing you the finest in West Coast Chicano Oldies but Goodies and Latin Soul music on the World wide web, broadcast EXCLUSIVELY on Internet radio station www.eastLArevue.com, heard around the corner, coast to coast, and around the World, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, rain or shine ! Enjoyed and approved by our U.S. troops around the World!
When I first began my endeavor to "bring it back and keep it alive" during the summer of 1999, I felt that there was a significant english speaking Latino audience 40 to 60 years old that still listened to music from "their day" and their parent's day without any shame , who DID NOT evolve into the Hip~Hop and Rap scene, and did not dwell into the new spanish language Latino rock en espanol or quebradita worlds exclusively, either. Simply because people matured DIDN'T mean they wanted to stop dancing and enjoying their music....
I was told by 2 Los Angeles commercial FM radio station managers I interviewed with for a DJ gig that an older, substantial, english speaking Chicano audience for Oldies but Goodies, Rock & Roll, 1960's-80's Soul & TOP 40, and contemporary Latin Soul music just didn't exist in substantial numbers worth programming for. " Follow the market", I was told, "Go into the new Hip-Hop genres or the spanish speaking markets...that's what happening...there ain't no money or fun in that old stuff anymore", they said.
Over 16 years later, and over 5 million World wide internet radio listeners every week , along with the sold out Oldies, Soul Jams, Classic R&B, Latin Soul, & Latino~Chicano Rock concerts all over Los Angeles, throughout Southern California, and southwestern United States have proven them wrong...and their stations went off the air or changed formats for lack of a supporting audience!
...I wish I could see their faces now!!
What is " Cruising Oldies but Goodies and West Coast Latin Soul" music ??
"Oldies but Goodies" is a music term describing a genre that includes DooWop(late 1940's-early 60's), Rock & Roll, Rythym & Blues and Early Soul/Latin Soul music(1950's-early 70's), coined by Legendary L.A. DJ Art Laboe , reflecting the tastes of a young Chicano & Black audience in the Southwestern United States coming of age in the 50's, 60's & early 70's, who refused to categorize themselves in conformity as the times changed & evolved, and whose musical tastes & influences have traversed the World, being copied and enjoyed by today's artists and audiences.
Indeed, many talented young Chicano & Black Artists from the 1950's,1960's, and 1970's were never afforded large market exposure in "their day" , and are virtually unknown outside of their respective circles and states because of the limited and jealously guarded commercial radio airwaves of the time, despite making significant contributions to the development of American music. But now, thanks to the World Wide Internet , music and art of every genre is available to anybody around the World who has access to a computer, free of commercial and self serving limitations of others, which has enhanced the music world ten fold.
"West Coast Latin Soul" can be envisioned as a mellow Latino~Chicano interpretation of East Coast Puerto Rican & Cubano Salsa, Mambo, Boleros, Cumbias, Corridos, and a taste of Tejano music, mixed in with a unique blend of low-riding Chicano rock & roll, soul, funk, and classic R & B (i.e. prior to the development of hip-hop, rap, and modern day R & B), which playfully rolls with bi-lingual and "spanglish" lyrics. West Coast Groups like SANTANA, MALO, SAPO, TIERRA, NUESTRO, MEZTIZO, and of course, EL CHICANO, have made this a unique California sound since the 1960's & 70's, which new groups seek to actively emulate and improve upon....and it's being done nicely in the Los Angeles area by groups like SOTO, SANGRIA,THEE MAD LATINS, PEPE MARQUEZ, RAY CARRION & Thee L.A. LATIN LEGENDS, ROCKY PADILLA, and many talented others who don't stray too far from the established tastes of the people.
Check out the "word of Aztlan", the latest Chicano music & entertainment news, plus stories by some of Aztlan's most talented contemporary writers on www.LatinoLA.com , where it's always, "A Brown thing, baby!"
Significant books have been written in the past couple of years, most notably "The Old Barrio Guide to Lowrider Music" and "Chicano Soul" by Ruben Molina, and "Land of 1000 Dances" by David Reyes and Tom Waldman, which reflect extensive in depth research into this particular and unique style of Chicano music from the 1950's to the mid 1970's, and the unique West Coast lifestyle it represents, " Chicano lowriders", music, and dancers.
Dancing or listening to good music while partying, or cruising in a pretty classic car with good people as the music played, was never a crime, and this lifestyle and music continues to fascinate people all over the World. "Who were they?", "Where are they now?", and "how can I fit it?" are frequent questions that come up when this type of music is played, and a different, non-frenzied type of lifestyle is discussed.
Major Record labels and new, independent labels are also re-issuing classic West Coast Chicano Rock & Roll on CD, as a new generation steps up to the plate and represents, enjoying the "Souldies" of yesterday.
"Old school" to me is just another word for 1980's-90's post-disco, early rap music that didn't go anywhere else on a large scale, as the latest generation found themselves hitting their 30's and they too, didn't want to stop dancing or enjoying music of their day...and doesn't compare to the original sound and REAL talent that didn't need echo chambers, clap machines, voice overs, smoke machines, sexually enhanced videos, cheap East coast accents,and synthesized percussion, despite a faux market for it.
Thus, is this site dedicated to the many artists that made this music original, and fans that help keep this music alive as an art form....may it live forever!

East L.A. Revue Radio's Steven Chavez, DJ Roberto "El Betoman" Tijerina, TIERRA singer Steve Salas, and the Hitman himself, Frankie Firme WWW.eastLArevue.com
Featuring some of Aztlan's more popular and well known Internet Radio DJ's, the jukebox offers you a total music buffett, serving up all you can hear!
Special features include concert events, music for sale, feature shows and the popular VINYL CLASSIC Page, which features rare and hard to find ,long playing 33 1/2 rpm LP records from the vaults of the East L.A. Revue record collection archives. Stuff you haven't or never heard, and probably never will again !
Frankie Firme teams up with the "Godfather of Tejano Soul" Crazy Chuy Hernandez 24/7 , bringing out the true Tejano ~ Chicano Soul de Aztlan! Crazy Chuy is also a member of the Tejano R.O.O.T.S. Hall of Fame.
THE 2nd TIME AROUND SHOW ~ "Bringing it back, and keeping it alive, coast to coast and around the World!"
Spinnin' the finest Oldies & Latin Soul in Aztlan, bringing it back, and keeping it allive , like NOBODY else can!
It is said that music is one of the most artistic accomplishments of civilized people, and is considered a spiritual fountain of youth for many...
...I say we enjoy this accomplishment, drink deeply of this well, and live life to the fullest!!...